Safety Corner

- Always be alert and aware of your surroundings. Walk with a confident attitude.
- Avoid walking alone at night. Walk in a group or take the University shuttle when possible. If those things are not possible, call the DSU Police Department for an escort.
- When walking alone, make sure to use well-lighted paths and sidewalks while taking the most direct route
- Use crosswalks and pedestrian crossing signals to safely cross streets
- All suspicious activity should be reported to the Delaware State University Police Department (302.857.7911) immediately. The timely reporting of information is key to a successful investigation, the recovery of stolen property and a successful prosecution (criminal and/or judicial)
- Keep your doors locked. Do not prop open residence doors
- Do not lend your keys, ID card or PDI card to anyone!
- Report maintenance problems (broken locks, windows, etc.) to Residence Life immediately. Attend Security Awareness programs held on campus throughout the school year.
- Be aware of campus and local crime trends. Remember to educate yourself because you are your best protection
Walking Escort Service
The Delaware State University Police Department is dedicated to the safety and security of the campus community it serves. The Police Department provides an escort service on campus which consists of a walking partner for students, staff, faculty and visitors to or from any location on campus or within the designated escort perimeter. The escort service is conducted by Police Department Personnel and DSU Police Cadets, and is operational nightly. To arrange for escorts, contact DSU Police 302.857.7911, and an Officer/Cadet will be dispatched to your location. Cadets wear identifiable clothing, to include a DSU Police Cadet Uniform, displaying a patch which reads “Delaware State University Cadet”, and are equipped with a means of communication and a flashlight.