The Cell Electrophysiology Core

The Cell Electrophysiology Core is lead by Director Dr. Jianli Sun, an Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, neurobiologist and neuroscientist.

The Core offers an array of equipment for research use, as well as general consultation on projects of neuronal function study, including experimental design. A full list of equipment, services, and fees can be found below.



Manual Patch-CLamp Systems

Manual Patch Clamp Setup 1   Manual Patch Clamp Setup 2

Manual patch-clamp systems study cellular neuron function such as neuronal excitability, basic membrane properties, ion channel currents, and synaptic currents, etc.


Multielectrode array system

Multi Electrode Array System

Microelectrode array system studies neural in cultured cells and slices, and acute brain slices. Potential assessments include measuring long term potentiation (LTP); network work function and characteristics; spike sorting, spike synchronization and synaptic function.


IonFlux automated patch clamp


High-throughput drug screening for ion and ligand channels.


For more information about the Core’s Equipment & Services, click here to download an informational PowerPoint.


Experiment preparations Experiment types
Primary cell cultures Basic cell membrane properties
Cell lines Action potential properties
Acute slices Ion channel currents
Cultured slices Synaptic transmissions
  Intrinsic and synaptic plasticity
  Fluorescence imaging
  MEA for network study
  Optogenetics for network study
  High-throughput drug screening for ion and ligang channels


Fee  Structure

The Core provides general supplies and reagents, but users are responsible for any supplies or reagents that are unique to their particular project.